International Standard

Dr Hada Clinic provides world class facilities and is committed to deliver finest quality dental care using latest state of art technology. We assure you providing with comfortable, pleasant and anxiety free environment. Our office is well equipped with ultramodern and internationally approved materials and equipments so that patient care is at the maximum. We strictly adhere to the international protocol of infection control and sterilization to protect our clients from the risk of cross infection. Our staff is friendly, knowledgeable and ready to assist you with any queries you may have. To give you best possible services and results, we are committed to continual education and learning. You will receive extraordinary service and individualized care that is unsurpassed.


Dr  Hada  Clinic

Sterilization Room

-DR HADA adheres to stringent 7 step sterilization protocol that meets ADA and CDC guidelines
-DR HADA has a separate sterilization area to minimize the risk of cross contamination and ensures the safety of patients.

Audio Visual Patient
Education Room

This new concept of Audiovisual patient education room provides an effective way to improve patient understanding concerning treatment and gives an idea of final outcome.

Private Operatory

One and only Dental hospital in Ahmedabad which is committed to deliver high quality dental services to patients in private rooms with single treatment units that provides clean and sterile environment.